I finally figured out ONE of the reasons Iran has been enduring undr the IR for the past 40 years. Really, I should've been smart enough to have figured this out earlier, but better late than never I guess. Iranians are the absolute masters of whataboutism. Have you noticed whenever you bring up something bad happening in Iran, their immediate response is to point the finger at some other country that does the same or smiliar thing, or that has done the same or similar thing in the past? 

Talk about executions in Iran, and what do you get? "What about Palestine?" "What about Saudi Arabia?" "What about American atocities in Vietnam?" "What about Pol Pot? He executed many more people." "What about the Shah? He executed...well, like FIVE people!" 

Talk about forced hejab, and the answer is, of course: "what about Saudi Arabia, where women can't even drive?" "What about the tribal areas of Afghanistan?"

Talk about IR's warmongering and interference in other countries, and this is what you get: "what about the U.S.?" "What about Hiroshima?" "What about Vietnam? (incidentally, the Vietnamese and the Japanese NEVER bitch about what the U.S. did in those countries as much as Iranians do, but that's besides the point.)

Mention that Iran is the only theocracy on the planet. The answer: "oh yeah? what about the Vatican? That's a country!" (I actually had someone say that to me in a comment on one of my blogs on the old site. True story!) 

 That's why the IR never go away. See, what 'whataboutism' is deflects, justifies, and minimizes. It deflects from the atrocities and problems on the one hand, and on the same hand it justifies them and/or minimizes them as compared to some other act that is completely irrelevant to the subject at hand. It also derails the discussion and gets the person sucked into a never-ending vortex of safsateh (one of Iranians' favorite activities) about something that should've never been discussed to begin with. The end result of Iranians' obsession with whataboutism is that it: 1) makes them feel better about their current situation by comoaring themselves to less fortunate folks; 2) gives them physical and mental comfort in that they will convince themselves that they won't acyually have to "do" anything (lazy people); and 3) maintains the status quo.

So, carry on folks. Let's see what happens in the next forty years.