Public Page


Joined on January 01, 2016

Healthrupt in the US

Choice for Syrian children


"Economics is for donkeys"

I have no doubt, not an iota of doubt that the children of the first-generation revolutionaries envy their fathers for the jackets...their lifestyle...for those affordable prices...for something like that...


No more...

Beach volleyball for all seasons!

That's why...

Bernie in the crowd

Bernie Sanders marching with Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.

And you thought...

...your mother-in-law was the most hated woman on Earth...


Lone Wolf...

Spooky Pences...

Donald Trump’s running mate, Mike Pence, inadvertently created an internet frenzy when he posted a picture of his family on Twitter that some have taken as evidence that his daughter is vampire – or even a ghost.

Pence shared what initially appeared to be a normal photo of his family enjoying a meal while on the campaign trail in New York – only there was something very strange about it.

His daughter Charlotte appears to make no reflection in the mirror behind them.

Pence and his wife Karen’s reflections can both be seen, but Charlotte’s is non-existent.

