Maybe global warming will work to America’s advantage since Obama cannot. It will cause the islands China is creating to flood and strain the air conditioners in the North Korean laboratories where scientists are miniaturizing nuclear weapons. Maybe another Russian sinkhole will open up and swallow Putin, stopping him to continue to humiliate the president. Maybe a drought will somehow inhibit ISIS and keep it from murdering the few allies we still have in the Middle East.

The Islamic State is entirely a creation of Obama’s policies (Washington Post)

Full Quote:

 Maybe global warming will work to America’s advantage since Obama cannot. Maybe global warming will cause the islands China is creating to flood and strain the air conditioners in the North Korean laboratories where scientists are miniaturizing nuclear weapons. Maybe another Russian sinkhole will open up and swallow Vladimir Putin, making it impossible for him to continue to humiliate the president. Maybe a drought will somehow inhibit ISIS and keep it from murdering the few allies we still have in the Middle East.