On this day 38 years ago, Mohammad Reza Shah Pahlavi along with Empress Farah left Iran. The Islamist fascists soon after took over the country ending an unprecedented period of progress in Iran.

On this day last year, Obama’s faulty legacy nuke deal with the Islamist fascist Führer was signed. Since then Islamist fascists have received billions in untraceable cash from Obama and have expanded their warmongerings in many countries including Syria, Yemen and Iraq. Along with worsening the already abhorrent human rights situation, the tempo of murdering Iranians (hangings) has noticeably increased as well.

Although these two anniversaries are horrible for Iranians, I like to take this opportunity to congratulate Islamist fascists, their lobbies like NIAC and the West-residing anti- American lefties.


Sanction works, U.S. Senate, get to it.

Picture above, King and Queen on the tarmac in Tehran