With 2 days and 17 hours left to the end of Obama’s disastrous eight years of presidency, with lots of apprehension and foreboding, all eyes are on the incoming President.

Although president-elect Trump has kept his cards tightly to his chest, as far as Iran is concerned, unlike Obama, the people Trump has chosen for his key cabinet posts are on record as being solidly anti-Islamist fascist –“reformers” and all.

Given this fact, the recent bipartisan open letter by 23 former high U.S. officials asking Trump to consider talking with MEK is indicative of general mood in the Trump camp.

If once in office, president Trump does publically do so as the authors of the letter request of him, it would mean the birth of an Iran policy, which for the past 38 years has been lacking.

Given the fact that among the Iranian opposition in diaspora, MEK is the one and only organization with financial means and staff enabling them to have the loudest voice, like the NIAC Lobby which does the bidding for the Islamist fascists, as it would be foolhardy to consider NIAC Lobby as representing people of Iran, so would be the case with MEK.

President Trump talking with the Iranian opposition is very good news, it gives the right signal to the fed up Iranian people who Obama turned his back on them.  However, limiting it to MEK would be as disastrous and shortsighted as Obama’s policy of favoring the “reformist” gang of the Islamist fascists was.


Sanction works, U.S. Senate, get to it.