Trump Failures are fast adding up. Campaign promises are not being met. In just less than 100 days, two executive orders restricting entry into U.S. by citizens of seven countries, and after being barred by a federal judge, reducing it to six countries, and yet again barred, this time by number of federal judges, on top of failure to scrap federally assisted national health insurance and the biggest of them all, tearing up the faulty Obama legacy nuke deal with Islamist fascist Führer.

Historically, at times like this, for democrats and republicans alike, a war would become handy, more so when it is a gift from a known international pariah recognized as a serial hostage taker, terror meister and  warmonger, like the Islamist fascist - ”reformers” and all.


“Navy commanders said U.S. aircraft carrier George H.W. Bush on March 21 had confronted two groups of Iranian Navy fast-attack boats as it led a five-vessel flotilla through the Strait.

U.S. commanders said the carrier sent helicopter gunships to hover over the Iranian boats, but no shots were fired.

"What I don't like about that is they were in the middle of international transit waters...We had a right to be there as we were exercising freedom of navigation on our way into the Arabian Gulf," Rear Admiral Kenneth Whitesell told reports aboard the carrier.

It was the first time a U.S. carrier entered the Strait since President Donald Trump took office vowing to take a tougher U.S. stance against Iran.”

In other words; an Islamist fascists' gift to Trump, alas the primary victims, the enslaved Iranian people, have no say in it.


Sanction works, U.S. Senate, get to it.