On his first foreign trip since becoming the 45th president of the United States, President Donald Trump’s plane just landed in Arabia. His next stop is Israel.

As the price for his faulty legacy nuke deal with the Islamist Führer, for eight disastrous years Obama allowed the warmongering Islamist fascists-“reformers” and all- to run amok.

Now a historic coalition of strange bedfellows has formed to confront the expansionist policy of Islamist fascists. For all intents and purposes, Arab states have become allied with Israel in stopping the warmongering Islamist fascists.

The recent 100 billion dollar purchase of the most advanced American arms by Arabia not being challenged by Israel is only one manifestation of this new alliance.

Donald of Arabia is an apt title chosen by the Drudge Report. As far as Iran is concerned, this presidential trip has all the makings of being historic.


Sanction works, U.S. Senate, get to it.

Ps. current tactical alliances born out of necessity aside, Israel is Iran’s historic, cultural and strategic ally. The sooner the warmongering Islamist fascists- "reformers" and all-  are retired, the sooner peace and tranquility can be reestablished in the region by these two great nations.