Life is full of choices, some with good outcome and many not so, either way, it is the individual, or at the most, a small group of people who are affected.

However, when it comes to countries with dictatorial governance, making choices by the ruler affects the entire nation.

Take for example the Qatari lifetime ruler, who in a fight with other Arab countries, has decided to hitch his wagon to the warmongering Islamist fascists, “reformers” and all – in Iran.

If the history of the past 38 year blood soaked rule of Iran by the Islamist fascists offers any clue, this choice by the Qatari dictator will cost that tiny nation’s populace very dearly.

In other words; perils of sleeping with Iran under the rule of the Islamist fascists is very high.


Sanction works, U.S. House, get to it.

Picture above;the condition of  Yarmouk in the outskirts of Damascus, as a direct result of the choice the Syrian dictator made to sleep with the warmongering Islamist fascists in Iran.