“The most repressive countries in the Middle East are the ones we support. By comparison to Saudi Arabia, Iran looks like Norway, you know. “

Among others, above is the most outrageous claim by the shameless millionaire lefty Noam Chomsky in his latest interview, which has been republished extensively by various Islamist fascists’ propaganda outlets.

Arabia being repressive, it most definitely is, does not mean Islamist fascists can be compared to “Norway.”

I understand and applaud anti-capitalism, anti-colonialism and the rest that genuine left adheres to.

However; in the name of leftist principals, amoral millionaire anti- America lefties like this fossilized Chomsky, whitewashing all the crimes of the unreformable, warmongering and expansionist Islamist fascists, is not only repugnant and amoral, it does great damage to the badly needed cause of leftists who this amoral Chomsky pretends to champion.

Airtight sanctions - which includes oil - a la against the despicable South Africa apartheid, works. U.S. lawmakers get to it.