A clown, Hitler, Mussolini, Sexist, Racist, bigot,  wife beater, pathological lier, anti islam, anti israel, kkk,  narcisist, war monger, liberal, isolationist, fraud, conman, anti christ, islamophobe, white supremist, .....etc .



Indeed what self funded outsider DJT proposed ever so mildly is so dangerous to america's globalist godfathers who own both parties ruling class & corporate media to see the need to brand him & remove him urgently before trouble starts .

The mafia RL want so desperately the same old status quo candidate puppets like muslim-convert obama(1.8 billion dollars corporate backing), snake hillary, cultist romney , braindead bush & lying Ted to continue the charade of ransacking american people for the globalist rich thrillioners;,

not invading Iraq, universal health care, stopping trade deals that only benefit the rich & powerful, being semi neutral between palestine & israel , no doner class, no lobby group , scaling back nato but  including it in fighting terrorism, exposing islamic ideology, stopping millions of illegal aliens who benefit the corporations with slavery wage at the expense of average worker, ...etc

Donald J Trump on twitter;, "the same folks who own these puppet politicians also own the discusting dishonest corporate media who attack me non-stop because i,m an outsider...."

First they called him a clown and laughed, then the ruling class of democrats , republicans & zio media villified him visciously, & when it failed they sent their thugs to disrupt his rallies but when it all fails they will remove him physicaly.


Ironicaly, DJT is a great unifier indeed in that he has brought unholy alliance among his once hidden , all powerful enemies , the satanic axis of status quo corporate media, republican party fake right & democratic party phony left .

DJT has no super packs , no corporate donors & fund his own campaign .The corrupt illuminati ruling class now threatened is wearing the sword in the open . Imagine its just a republican primary and already the ruling class mafia has spent $430 million on anti trump ad among 27 super packs with war chest of potentially 2 Billion dollars joined concurenltly with democratic super packs and pressure groups .


& the show goes on with 24/7 viscious attacks on an uncontrolable, unpredictable outsider who might spoil the party for the thieving illuminati ruling class of America . the military-indusrial backed political establishment trio of 1-corrupt republicans,2- mafioso democrats & centrist-zionist controlled corporate mainstream media .



Carol Quigly ;, "US corporate media is pushing the narrative of a democratic process ........to legitimize the candidates bought & paid for by big money".