Next time you see RP going about playing the "Liberal" don't believe him ... The fellow never believed in anything. Just dances to the tune ... Nerkheh Rooz ...


When Obama was around he decided to give up on the monarchy and started preaching "democracy" instead and embracing every god damn Pro Green Activists which he surrounded himself with while belittling his monarchist supporters merely because he was too ashamed to defend his father's legacy in public. Now that Obama is no more in power he goes back supporting the very people NIAC was accusing him of befriending in the first place and which they used as an excuse to compare RP to Iraq's Ahmad Chalabi. An argument which allowed the IRI stooges to successfully lure Iranian Americans away from supporting the restoration of the monarchy.

I recall how because of this false narrative we monarchists were being wrongly accused of sharing the MKO agenda.


But look now that Obama is out RP has given up on his "liberal" Agenda to become a "Hawk" once again.


Who are you guys fooling anyways ?


If at least you had been as consistence as the MKO in the first place one would say you are accepting responsibility for your choices but you keep switching sides in such an obvious and disingenuous manner that it is clearly disheartening to watch.


And you expect the nation to give the keys to running our nation to a bunch of insincere and incompetent staff like yours ? 


RP has once again gone back to his initial "buddies" who are also friends with MKO Rajavi ... and then you wonder how NIAC managed so easIily to replace RP in the hearts and minds of Iranian Americans ?

Definitively not in my heart or mind but clearly in that of the majority of IRanian expats who have ended up adhering to Trita Parsi and his band of apologists given the turn of events in the middle east.


One truly wonders where this NUT Head who called Monarchists wishing him a happy birthday in Pasargard "Fascists" ever learned about Politics ... 


Definitively not with his illustrious father. 


Clearly RP's amateurism in politics is disheartening to watch ... Each CLUMSY step he takes is a step towards his own irrelevance !


Related Blogs:



PHILOSOPHER PRINCE: Crown Prince Reza pre-mature interview with Pro Greens at UN HQ New York (September 25th, 2009)


HEZBEH BA'AD: Shahrvand Reza's Latest U Turn toward Trump fools no one


'Shahrvand' "President" Reza Pahlavi's appraisal of Egypt's 'President' General El Sissi


HEZBEH BAAD: "Shahrvand" Reza Pahlavi Dumps Amir Abbas Fakhravar


Shahrvand Reza's "Globalist" Malijak latest "groundbreaking" Anti Trump comment ...