A to Z of Happiness – 26 Tips to be Truly Happy

by Shyam Ramanathan

Thrive Global: As Earl Nightingale said “Happiness is the progressive realization of a worthy ideal.” In other words, you feel happy when you are progressing towards something important to you. This is very important because happiness is a journey not a destination. If you will be happy only when you achieve something it is going to be tough most of the time.

Most of our life is invested in the process and if we wait for the result to be happy we will be striving for the elusive pot all the time. Happiness is a state of mind and you can be happy just to be alive.

While setting lofty standards for our work and life is always a good sign, it is not good if we are never happy with what we achieve. Therefore, happiness requires a balance between striving for more and enjoying the current success.

I believe the recipe of happiness can be baked with the following ingredients. Here is my A – Z of Happiness.

A for Attitude: Your attitude is the true barometer of your happiness. If you have a positive mindset you are usually happy. If you are expecting good things to happen you will be more positive which leads to greater happiness. So, keep track of how you feel throughout your day and catch yourself when you feel down. Do anything that works for you to get your attitude back to a sunny disposition.

B for Being: Most of the time we are in the process of doing something. We are always striving for something more but true happiness can also come from just being. Just be happy where you are with what you have and who you are. Accept yourself unconditionally and just love life for what it is. This will promote your happiness levels. One of the tools for this is to maintain a journal where you can record all your thoughts and it promotes inner peace. Solitude is another tool for just being. Never compare your life with someone else as everyone is on their journey and we have no clue what is going on with someone else.

C for Clarity: If you are totally true to yourself and your values you will be happy. That is what clarity is about. Whenever I have experienced stress in my life it always comes when I am not clear on what I want or where I am going. Sometimes this lack of clarity can also come from comparing ourselves to others who we think are more successful. That is a path which will never result in happiness. So really become clear on what you want your life to stand for and where you want to go in your life. This clarity will increase your sense of control which will elevate your happiness levels.

D for Discipline: To me discipline can promote happiness. The type of happiness I am talking about runs deep. It comes from a state where you are putting more into your life. It also comes from living by your principles. If you do take care of yourself through disciplines like eating well, continuous learning, being an excellent time manager, sleeping well and exercising your happiness levels will soar to great heights.

E for Enthusiasm: As Ralph Waldo Emerson said “Enthusiasm is one of the most powerful engines of success. When you do a thing, do it with all your might. Put your whole soul into it. Stamp it with your own personality. Be active, be energetic, be enthusiastic and faithful, and you will accomplish your object. Nothing great was ever achieved without enthusiasm.” Your happiness will directly be a result of the enthusiasm you have for your vision and the actions you take to achieve that vision. When you are enthusiastic you are happier.

F for Forgiveness: Most people carry a burden concerning other people who have hurt them for far too long resulting in a heavy heart. One of the success habits is to forgive everyone for anything wrong that has been done to you. If we think about it nobody in general purposely hurts another and if we understand that it is easier to forgive. It is also important that we forgive ourselves and it is a reminder that we are not perfect. Forgiveness is a great antidote to pessimism.

G for Gratitude: If you want to increase your happiness levels instantly you need to be grateful with what you have. Staying grateful helps you have joy which is one of the keys to a happy life. Writing down everything that we are grateful for is a great starting point towards all the happiness we desire.

H for Health: Health is different for every individual. Considering whatever situation our health is in we should take appropriate steps to ensure we take care of ourselves well. If it means going for a physical every year or regular dental checkups we need to do that. So, taking charge of our health depending on our situation can help us on our happiness journey.

I for Inspiration: Inspiration increases not only our energy levels it also increases our happiness levels. Stay around whatever makes you inspired. It is different for every person. A book that may inspire me may not inspire you but find the ones that inspire you. Being in a state of inspiration does increase our happiness.

J for Journey: Life is not a destination; it is a journey to be enjoyed all the way. It is how we bounce back from seeming setbacks that truly measure our heart for exceptional success. The journey is an adventure and an example of this is the life of Steve Jobs. He got fired from the company he founded and still managed to make a great comeback. It just shows to anything can happen but we must be committed to the journey of life.

K for Kindness: Be kind to everyone you meet. Everyone has enough problems on their plate and your kindness could be the best experience they have had for that day. Kindness improves our mood and those around us. “Wherever there is a human in need, there is an opportunity for kindness and to make a difference.” Kevin Heath >>>