Advocating sanctions against ones homeland is as strange as advocating for ones extended family to go without, so there better be a damn good reason(s) for such odd advocacy.

First a little personal background which might help in dispelling any false notion or prejudgment. My entire extended family except one sibling live in Iran, all except one world-class rich distant cousin, are middle to lower middle class with most being like the overwhelming majority of Iranians in the hand to mouth category. So my advocacy of sanctions does come from the point of view of someone who knows what it is to be of limited means, what a precarious situation it is and what real airtight economic sanctions could do.

I am convinced that IRR (Islamist Rapist Republic) is way past its ideological phase and now depends on paid thugs as opposed to volunteers to do its suppression operations; less funds will mean far less thugs beating, raping and killing Iranians which is the basic tactic in any such fight to reduce the regime’s forces making it more vulnerable to people power.

I am convinced that without airtight sanctions in addition to moral and material help to Iranians to soften the sanction blow and to quicken the fall of the Islamist Rapists, war is inevitable.

There are many models for bringing unreformable regimes such as the IRR down, for the stated reasons, to avoid war, I believe downfall of the regime should be the goal and, reluctantly believe sanction is part of any solution in that regards. Now if that makes me a warmonger so be it.

Above is part of a Nov 19th 2009 opinion.  With Obama’s legacy nuke deal with the Islamist fascist Führer fully implemented, with the nearly two billion dollars of untraceable cash having been handed over to the Islamist fascists by Obama, with the Islamist fascists-“reformers” and all- openly participating in armed conflicts in Syria, Iraq, Yemen, Lebanon, and…with the Russian strategic bombers having been based in Iran and their navy “visiting “ Iranian ports, with the Islamist fascists’ provocative actions amounting to daring the U.S. Navy in the Persian Gulf to attack, with the ongoing public pronouncements against the Saudi rulers of Arabia, which are reminiscent of how the eight year bloody war with Iraq was instigated, I like to ask the unanswered question yet again:

With no solution being put forward by Obama, or anyone who supports his Chamberlainesque policy, which amount to wishing Islamist fascists changing their ways because that would be the right thing to do, if not the successful South Africa and Myanmar model of sanctions to force the collapse of the unreformable, warmongering Islamist fascists, wouldn’t war be inevitable?


Sanction works, U.S. Senate, get to